Laravel Social_login with google:
In this tutorial we’re going to add authentication via Google to a Laravel app. We’re going to use Socialite and start from scratch.
1. Create Laravel app
Create a new laravel app with a database and get everything up and running.
Click here for a guide on how to create a Laravel app from scratch
2. Install Socialite
Install socialite by running the following command on the command line.
3. Configure Laravel
Once you have your project up and running, it is time to start our project.
First add credentials to config/services.php. Socialite supports Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, GitHub and Bitbucket. Other providers require packages from the community, which are all listed here.
These providers follow the OAuth 2.0 spec and therefore require a client_id, client_secret and redirect url. We’ll obtain these in the next step! First, add the values to the config file because socialite will be looking for them when we ask it to.
Since we added a new package, make sure to add to the service providers array in config/app.php:
Service Providers are the central place for application bootstrapping. The above line let’s Laravel to know to make the Socialite available for use.
Add an alias to Socialite so it is easier to reference later, also in config/app.php file:
4. Create the basic authentication scaffold
This will create a user model and some views for register and login pages.
If you get an error of “command does not exist” (depending on your version of laravel).
You can try using this instead:
Then run:
And then you need to perform the migrations and compile the frontend
5. Create your app in Google
- Create a project:
- Create credentials:
A modal will pop up with your apps client id and client secret. Add these values to your .env file.
Add the callback url. The user will be redirected back to this endpoint.
6. Handle your routes
Head into routes/web.php and add endpoints for redirect and callback:
Go to app/http/auth/LoginController.php or any other controller of your choice and paste the two following methods.
The first method redirectToProvider() will show the Google authentication page in the same window where the user is viewing your webpage (no annoying pop ups):
The next handleProviderCallback() method will handle after a successful Google authentication:
Right now this will authenticate the user and dump the info we get back on the screen. If you run this you can see we get a token, refreshToken, name, email, avatar, user object, avatar and avatar_original field.
NOTE: if you haven't already, make sure you have specified the necessary classes at the top of the page.
7. Update the users table migration
Update your create_users_table migration to include these new fields. You could alternatively create a new migration for adding theses columns, which would be good for an existing app:
Run your project with php artisan serve and make sure everything works
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