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The Universe of Discourse

Relational Algebra

Universe of discourse:

When I started getting into database logic, I often came across the expression “universe of discourse”. When I tried to understand what exactly it is really, most answers I found referred to it as “a set”. Well it didn’t help much to me understanding one concept by naming it another. So after studying the subject thoroughly, here’s what i found : The universe of discourse is at its core really is a set (wait...what?...but..), but before we dive right into it let's take a step back for a second: the term “universe of discourse generally refers to a collection of objects being discussed in a specific discourse. The concept universe of discourse is generally attributed to De morgan (1846) but the name was used for the first time by George boole (1854). ( boole's definition ). So now after we know that a universe is a “collection” so to speak, let’s take it up a notch. To understand best what the universe” is we can bring an example from predicate logic. In predicate logic we have propositions which are the “sentences” in the predicate. For instance, x lives in y is a proposition without values (predicate). But now that we know that a universe is a collection we’re able to assign those parameters a range of values that will make the propositions in the predicate a statements in the objects of the universe. This method is called “quantifying” a predicate. a real life example would be Suppose P(x) is the sentence “x has fur” and the universe of discourse for x is the set of all animals. In this example P(x) is a true statement if x is a cat. It is false, though, if x is an alligator}). So really a universe is a collection of objects that defines a range of the values. We can use it to resolve predicates. But there’s still one more important thing to know. And that being a “set”. Now I know that this can get a little confusing, especially because a set in natural language is a very general broad term, so what is a “set” in logic?. A set is any collection of objects or symbols. The objects in a set will be called element or a number of the set. Sets are usually described using ”{}” and inside these curly brackets a list of the elements or a description of the elements of the set. If a is an element of a set A, we use the notation a ∈ A and often say ”a in A” instead of ”a an element of A”. The notation a ∉ A indicates that a is not an element of A and is often read as ”a is not in A”. So to summarize a universe is a collection of sets of interest (discourse). A set is a collection of well defined and distinct objects, considered as an object in its own right. Enjoy!


  1. יש לשכתב ערך זה על מנת שיהיה ראוי לכלל הקוראים, בכל אופן מזכיר לי בעיות הגיון בפסיכומטרי, המכילות
    לא הגיוניים. המשך להצליח!!


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